A study has shown that the average American dedicates an average of 110 minutes a day to household chores. The majority of this time is spent scrubbing kitchen counters and doing laundry, with a separate study showing that 24% of Americans consider laundry and surface cleaning their preferred chore. There is, however, a gaping hole in this study. A dusty, grimy and neglected hole, one that you might say hasn’t been dusted for months.

There are many plausible reasons as to why dusting becomes an afterthought to homeowners, office workers and anyone who spends long stretches of the day indoors.

One that it’s not immediately obvious. Dust, being made out of tiny particles such as dead skin cells, soot, spoors, decaying insects, and dust mites isn’t going to immediately stand out. You’d need a microscope to see the first layers of dust, and most of us have a nasty habit of dusting once the fetid pileup has become visible to the naked eye.

The key is to be aware that there’s dust all around even when you think there isn’t, it’s just natural – especially if you live near a construction site or work in a large office.

Next, you need to create a plan of action to stop the onset of dust and the many complications it tends to bring with it. With these complications ranging from serious respiratory problems to increased absenteeism from the workplace – it’s clear to see why we should dust and dust right.

Here’s a helpful guide to help you hone in your dusting skills and banish those tiny dust particles from your environment for good!

Get the Right Tools For the Job

Before you even begin dusting, you’ll need to be equipped with the proper tools for the job. Adequate dusting equipment is particularly crucial to ensure that you’re not just spreading the dust around. The best materials are those that will attach, absorb and hold onto dust particles.

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Microfiber cloths, electrostatic clots and even just a dampened cloth of any material can achieve this task. Microfiber and electrostatic cloths are highly efficient, durable, and don’t require you to use little to any chemical cleaning agents.

Also, microfiber or feather dusters are a great tool to use as well, as the surface area of the material will collect the most dust easily.

A vacuum with strong suction will be needed when cleaning high up surfaces, floors, carpets, upholstery, and couches. A dry and wet mop is also recommended if you wish to thoroughly dust your floors.

Why You Should Be Dusting Regularly

Dusting of the office place on a regular basis is crucial towards environmental safety. Not only will a dust-free area limit the number of sick days taken due to respiratory problems, but it will also increase creativity, satisfaction, and productivity of employees – not to mention keep all your electronics in working order and free from overheating or sluggish run-speeds.

How Often Should You Dust?

Only dusting during your annual spring clean just isn’t going to cut it anymore. Cleaning experts recommend that you dust easy-to-get-to surfaces at least once a weak and those hard-to-reach nooks and crannies once a month.

This is considered your safest option if your environment is of average dustiness. Dusting your surroundings daily if you suffer from respiratory problems or suffer from an allergy that flares up from pet hair or dust is vital.

Dusting of the office place should also be undertaken daily hence why many companies hire nightly cleaning services in order to keep their working surroundings spic and span!

How to Dust - The Proper Technique is Key

Start from the top and work your way down should be the motto of all good dusters. Think about it, any dust you dislodge from the higher surfaces will float their way down to the floor where you can then snap them up using the vacuum or mop.

It’s also recommended that you pick a distinct motion and stick to it, Clockwise or counter-clockwise for example. By being consistent in your movements you’ll be able to track exactly what ground you’ve covered and there will be no nasty streaks of dust or dirt left behind.

If you are using a duster, DO NOT use a fast back and forth motion like you may have seen on TV or other places. This I not the proper way to dust surfaces; all you are doing is spreading the dust around, you are not picking the dust up. So even with a duster, use a wiping motion.

Be sure to dust around any electronics with fans. Computer or machine fans do not take kindly to being disturbed with dust. Once a fan or system is clogged with dust, the machine will simply not run at optimal speed, perhaps even entirely giving up.

Carefully dust down any fan opening or cables that are exposed to dust using a completely dry cloth. This point is particularly pertinent for office workers who depend upon the proper functioning of their electrical equipment in order to achieve a job well-done.

Don't Forget the Floors

If it’s the floor you’re looking to dust then there’s no need to get down on your hands and knees and scrub – dusting covers for mops have made that a thing of the past! Stock up on these nifty covers that stretch over the top of your mop for your cleaning pleasure.

For that annoying encrusted dust that you might happen upon around your sinks and in many other areas of the bathroom, a chamois sponge is recommended. These sponges won't scrape away the ceramic of your bathroom, they are porous and soft with a deft ability to lift away hardened dust with ease.

Dust accumulates massively within carpets and upholstery. You might have witnessed this before if you’ve hit a cushioned seat hard and a plume of dust rose up around you. Vacuuming both carpets and any upholstered furniture weekly with a high-suction vacuum is enough to extract any caught dust.

The moral of the story is that you mustn’t neglect dusting! Even just a quick dusting session every day could eliminate many complications and keep your surroundings looking prim and proper.